Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gaining Ground in Gambia - Fri Aug 10th!

The Gambia, located on the west coast of Africa, is a country in need of help; the expansion of the Sahara Desert is leading to decreased soil fertility and dangerous droughts. On August 10, 2007, REAP-Canada will host a fundraising musical event to continue support of agricultural devlopment and soil conservation projects in the country. All proceeds from the evening will go directly to the Gambian communities to assist them in developing sustainable farming practices. The fundraising target of $5000 from the event will go towards introducing Bokashi organic fertilizer production to 13 villages, income generation for the farmers, ecological farming and soil conservation trainings in each of the villages and the introduction of improved cooking appliances such as the Mayon Turbo Stove to reduce wood used for cooking. For more information on these and other efforts by REAP-Canada to make farming more sustainable, please visit www.reap-canada.com.

Join REAP-Canada at the Union Church in Ste Anne de Bellevue, 24 Maple Ave, 7:30 p.m. August 10th 2007. Admission is $10. For further information call 514-398-7743 or email info@reap-canada.com. Click here for directions. If you're unable to make it, please consider making a donation to Gaining Ground in Gambia (GGIG).

To get your tickets on-line or make a donation, just go to our website www.reap-canada.com and click on the Canada Helps icon. Enter GGIG in the message line and be sure to include your name and contact information. Thanks for your support and see you there!!!



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